An easy way to test offline dynamic delivery

Kenji Abe
2 min readFeb 8, 2020


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

bundletool is a tool for local testing android app bundle. It also can be used for testing offline dynamic delivery.

FakeSplitInstallManager will achieve testing offline dynamic delivery.

I will show an easy way to test offline dynamic delivery.

Usage FakeSplitInstallManager

It’s easy. It just use FakeSplitInstallManagerFactory instead of SplitInstallMangaerFactory.


The second argument is important for testing. You need to specify the directory which includes splits APK files. In the above code, it’s local_testing in the app-specific file directory. local_testing must not change because bundletool uses its name.

Usage bundletool

Downloading bundletool from Github release page.

See the document for details.

Generate a set of APKs

For using FakeSplitInstallManager, you need to add --local-testing option.

$ bundletool build-apks --bundle=bundle.aab \
--output=app.apks \
--ks=keystore.jks \
--ks-pass=pass:store_password \
--ks-key-alias=key-alias \
--key-pass=pass:key_password \
--connected-device \

--local-testing option is added since version 0.13.0.

Deploy APKs

$ bundletool install-apks --apks=app.apks

If you add --local-testing when generating APKs, bundletool pushes apk files to thelocal_testing directory on a connected device.

These apk files are used by FakeSplitInstallManager for testing offline dynamic delivery.

Finally, you launch your app and then execute a dynamic feature module installation. You can test without Google Play.


You can test offline dynamic delivery in 3 steps.

  1. Use FakeSplitInstallManager instead of SplitInstallMangaer.
  2. Generate a set of APKs with --local-testing option.
  3. Deploy APKs.



Kenji Abe

Programmer / Gamer / Google Developers Expert for Android, Kotlin / @STAR_ZERO